Thanks for showing up! We welcome everyone and would absolutely appreciate your help and support.

Mode’s mission is simple; to build an on-chain cooperative that rewards the developers, users and protocols that grow the network.

So if you are interested in sticking around, getting involved and reaping the rewards that come with working together cooperatively here are some ways that you can help. 👇

Thanksk for coming.png


The heart of cooperation lies in quality communication, so having amazing conversations is absolutely the place to start.

Smash this invite link, check out our home base on Discord and add your 2 cents to the conversation —>   https://discord.gg/modenetworkofficial

Mode is here to evolve the web3 space; to raise the bar and take it to the next level cooperatively. The conversations you have are the first thing new members will see. Have awesome conversations and you’ll help attract awesome people.

Open-ended questions are the foundation of quality conversation. Ask questions, share opinions, discuss, debate, exchange information and above all make us laugh.